Protool Hardware |
Wed 7 Dec 2005, 22:31
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 09-Jul 05 From: Dallas - US Member No.: 67,592 |
I know you have to have an MBox or Digi001 to use Protools LE. But can you also use a different brand interface with it to gain more mic pres, I/O, etc.
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cjac9 Protool Hardware Wed 7 Dec 2005, 22:31
swilder Well, The Digi 002 and the 001 have an ADAT input.... Thu 8 Dec 2005, 00:22
swilder Well, The Digi 002 and the 001 have an ADAT input.... Thu 8 Dec 2005, 00:22
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