Help!, RME for G4? |
Wed 21 Sep 2005, 08:04
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 21-Sep 05 From: Boston - US Member No.: 70,287 |
ummm... guess I could use your help here guys... I'm looking for a soundcard for my G4. I know the RME's sound great but guess the fireface is somewhat expensive for me. does RME have a card that has both MIDI and audio functions and go along with the G4? (perhaps the DSP series??!) my other option would be the MOTU traveller, but I kinda lean towards the RME... by the way, does using an external hard drive works fine with those soundcards? |
Posts in this topic
nighthaul Help! Wed 21 Sep 2005, 08:04
lepetitmartien If you manage to explain me the RME range, I'm... Wed 21 Sep 2005, 16:42
lepetitmartien If you manage to explain me the RME range, I'm... Wed 21 Sep 2005, 16:42
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