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mwtse Train Whistle Sound Fri 27 May 2005, 06:19 coldharbour It is extremely hard to come up with a realistic t... Fri 27 May 2005, 08:43 kaboombahchuck Once a long ime ago.. in a galaxy far away.. my br... Fri 27 May 2005, 14:37 PhilTrueman mwtse,
You might get all the sounds you need at S... Fri 27 May 2005, 17:22 mwtse QUOTE (PhilTrueman @ May 27 2005, 16:22)mwtse... Mon 30 May 2005, 06:39 JulienGB Maybe you can try this too:
Take a "Flute... Tue 31 May 2005, 13:57 mwtse QUOTE (JulienGB @ May 31 2005, 12:57)Maybe yo... Wed 1 Jun 2005, 03:16
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