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kikidiki Best Mac For Music Wed 11 May 2005, 13:27 jeffca My answer's simple: a G5. It's got plenty ... Wed 11 May 2005, 14:01 Jsegura Any G5 is enabled to make great things with music ... Wed 11 May 2005, 14:15 kikidiki Thanks for that guys - was initially thinking of t... Wed 11 May 2005, 14:28 Jsegura The iMac is a very good option too.He is powerful,... Wed 11 May 2005, 16:56 lepetitmartien Powermac accomodate 2 hard drives, more RAM, are b... Wed 11 May 2005, 19:39 Jsegura To iMac also him you can put more hard driver,exte... Wed 11 May 2005, 22:44 Riverdog BENCHMARK:
I'm using:
- iMac G5 1.6GHz 17... Sat 14 May 2005, 07:06 Jsegura It is not strange to me that you are happy with yo... Sat 14 May 2005, 09:58 Riverdog Thanks Jsegura...
It's taken a LONG time to g... Sat 14 May 2005, 16:10 Jsegura Oh thanks, and good luck also for you. Sat 14 May 2005, 17:14
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