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> Digi 002 / Qucktime / Help Urgent, digi 002 / Qucktime / HELP URGENT
post Sat 7 May 2005, 14:24
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 26-May 03
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 18,550


I've just installed a new system MacOSX
Ran all the necessary updates (software updates)
Restarted in OS10.3.9
Updated some more (quicktime...)
Installed Protools LE 6.4
Pluged in my DIGI002
Tried to open an aiff file with quicktime
and ...
nothing :
Quicktime player AND iTunes are DEAD...
can't get them to read a file, can't get them to start.
When launching itunes on its own:
the digi002 has a flicker in the sample rate and thats it...
The only thing i can do is force itunes (or quicktime) to quit...
Whats this all about ???

Thanks for your advices

MacPro 2 x 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon Duo, 3 GoRam
PC Bi-Xeon 2 x 3Ghz 2 GoRam Corsair
Cartes sons: Digi02 Rack + RME Multiface
Nuendo et Pro-Tools
1030A Genelec
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