Recommend Any Soundcard, Firewire or usb |
Wed 22 Oct 2003, 14:55
Group: Members
Posts: 28
Joined: 22-May 02
From: London
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Ello. I have an old imac which does me fine but i think i need to upgrade the soundcard (at the mo i just use the internal one) anyone have any recommendations. It has a firewire port so maybe i should get one with firewire? Also is this gonna improve the overall quality of my noise cause until now i've been using the small earphone socket at the front. I use Logic 4.7 and mainly vsti's and samples. I may in the future import sounds from my own instruments and voice so something that can import audio as well would be nice. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. SC
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Wed 22 Oct 2003, 15:49
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Depends of your budget, you can go from M-audio/Edirol (too many troubles with drivers to be strictly recommanded, even if they work perfect for some people who don't come here because they have no problem whatsoever) to Apogee and still have 2 ins and 2 outs but not exactly the same price In the middle range, without fuss, good enough converters and decent preamps you have the Digi Mbox and the Emagic little gizmos emi 26 and 62 (which work also as MIDI interfaces). Unfortunately the Firewire interfaces are for the time being more expansive and full of in/outs, but good, check Motu 828 If you don't need more than 2 Ins you can go USB, if you need more, it's Firewire. any solution will be a definite step way up for your noise (much much better converters) Check also the getting started forum there's a LOT of talk on this already.
Mon 3 Nov 2003, 15:01
Group: Members
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From: St. Petersburg - RU
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he worked with EgoSys Wave Terminal U24 USB qualitative codecs! now since all USB are occupied with M- audios FireWire 410 Motu 24i/o rules!
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