Oms Version 2.1????what????, Where???What?? OMS Version 2.1?? |
Mon 8 Sep 2003, 07:14
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 08-Sep 03 From: Los Angeles - US Member No.: 24,333 |
I attempted to load pro tools free 5.0. It wants virtual memory shut off. OK no problem. It wants OMS version 2.1. What, What , Where, Where, Dang? Help.Any guidance much appreciated.
zawzaw |
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Mon 8 Sep 2003, 22:09
Maniac Member Group: Members Posts: 821 Joined: 25-Jun 01 From: Springfield - US Member No.: 1,082 |
umm.... does PT Free work on OSX? I think this post is in wrong thread
OMS is what handles midi routing virtually in the computer. Even if you are not going to use midi... PT needs to see OMS to run. The most current version is 2.3.8 and i think if you search here,, or the net, you should be able to find it. just d/l it and install and don't worry about it unless you plan on doing midi in PT Free... if so, then you will need to configure it with your midi devices etc. note: never use virtual memory with audio apps... RAM is dirt cheap these days and worth investing in -------------------- ----------------------------------------
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