Utilizing Firewire Port On Powerbook, wanting to input audio |
Tue 2 Sep 2003, 03:51
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 02-Sep 03
From: Austin - US
Member No.: 24,002
I apologize if i am asking a question already answered somewhere on these forums, but i honestly dont know what to look for so if i missed it, again im sorry, please direct me and delete close this thread thanks. my objective: i want to be able to record my dj sets equipment: 12" powerbook g4 and a mixer. i would like to utilize the firewire port on my powerbook to record my dj sets using a new mixer, another interface, a simple adapter, whatever it takes. basically i want to be able to bring my powerbook with my equipment and record a set. the outs on my current mixer are RCA or the red and white A/V cables. I only need a mixer with 2-3 channels so it doesnt need to be a huge peice of equipment. can anyone recommend some equipment that i can look into? any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.
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Tue 2 Sep 2003, 16:32
Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 24-Aug 03
From: San Carlos - US
Member No.: 23,538
I do have one question? ..why the firewire port? (yes the transfer rates are faster then USB but with Audio you don't need it) You have an Audio in 1/8" jack on the back of your PB G4 or just grab an MBox (USB) with Pro Tools LE and you are set! I use mine all the time to record my SP808, Turntables, Key board, Guitars/Bass and whatever else I can plug into the MBox. It's all one nice little package to record from.
In the U.S. the Mbox is CHEAP!!!! and it shoul dbe able to record just about anything for you.
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