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Tue 26 Aug 2003, 18:30
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 28-Jul 03
From: Astori - US
Member No.: 22,075
Just to add, I was having a similar problem in logic. What I did not realize is that I never selected a virtual instrumant. So yes logic was getting my midi infomation, but it did not know what sounds to use to generate the music. Hope that helps.
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 21:46
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 26-Aug 03
From: Albany - US
Member No.: 23,604
i think i set up virtual instruments, but theres still no sound. i tried hooking up my headphones to every jack i could find (the imac headphone jack, the speaker jack and the headphone jack on my MAudio Duo thats also hooked up to the comp through USB), but nothing was coming out even though the green output bars were moving when i pressed play.. i looked in the cubase manual about virtual instruments, and i think i did what it said so i dont know why its still not working.
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