Pro Tools 5.0.1 Free, can't import audio |
Thu 14 Aug 2003, 12:36

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 22-Feb 03
From: Gent - BE
Member No.: 12,925

when i try to import a 16 bit .aif file, pro tools free tells me always: QUOTE 'songname' is too fragmented to be played by Pro Tools what does this meen and what can i do to import that .aif file?
(1 - 2)
Fri 15 Aug 2003, 18:34

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 22-Feb 03
From: Gent - BE
Member No.: 12,925

i discovered that this problem only happens in the classic mode in OS X, if i boot in 9.2, there are no problems.
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