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Mon 21 Jul 2003, 18:28
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 20-Jul 03
From: Miami - US
Member No.: 21,611
I have an identical cube at work. I plugged in the Midisport into the keyboard port, and the light goes on.
I'm doing the same thing at the cube I have at home, and it doesn't work. I'm checking the extensions, but they're supposed to be the same.
I'm planning to take the keyboard of the cube I have at home to work and see what happens.
Mon 21 Jul 2003, 21:09
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 20-Jul 03
From: Miami - US
Member No.: 21,611
Indeed, my home computer keyboard's usb ports seem to have a low voltage problem, which doesn't affect the mouse, but don't have enough voltage for the MidiSport.
Solution: I'm going to buy a USB hub, which I needed anyway for a printer.
Thanks a lot for your advice.
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