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Sat 28 Jun 2003, 17:11

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 28-Jun 03
From: London - UK
Member No.: 20,348

Hi Marble,
I think this is probably a configuration problem on your XP-30. A student of mine just had a similar problem, but we got it working.
My understanding is this..
You have to be in Performance mode to get the XP-30 to play multiple patches. Performance mode is primarily for playing 'Performances', which are like super-programs made up of a 16 parts, where each part is a patch, possibly altered in some way.
You need a Performace program where part 1 listens to MIDI channel 1, part 2 to channel 2, etc.. Unfortunately, this is not a preset, so you have to create it. And, in fact, you can't create from scratch, you have to start with an existing program (doesn't really matter which one).
So, in Performance mode, press Edit and go and fix the following parameters. (I found the Pallette Edit view the easiest way, so that I could view the value of one parameter for many parts at once.)
(btw, p65 in the manual may be helpful.)
In the MIDI group: - Set midi channel equal to each part number, 1 thru 16 - Rx (receive switch) must be ON for every part - Tx (transmit switch) ON for part 1, OFF for parts 2-16 - Rx switch/Program Change should be ON for every part
In the PART group: - Level should be 127 for every part - Pan should be 0 for every part - Coarse Tune should be 0 for every part
You need to save this new Performance program when you are done.
Hope that helps. Sorry for so many words!
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