La Folie Ni !, The "NI Complete Collection" à 999 euros |
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Sun 8 Jun 2003, 01:16

La madame est partie.
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tiens je copie /colle la réponse de stefan schmidt programmeur sur Reaktor session qu'il a faite aujourd'hui dans le forum Native reaktor session: (je laisse en englishe, il est tard j'ai la flemme...)
"As one of the developers of Reaktor Session I feel sorry that we have caused so much anger and frustration.
Reaktor 4 and Reaktor Session have been a very complex development projects, that we had to release under strong time pressure for a large number of platforms, interfaces and hosts (Win 98, Win XP, OS-9, OS-X, VST, AU, DXi, Cubase, Logic, ...). There was definitely not enough testing which I regret.
And with a new standard like Audio Units there are even more unpredictable problems to solve.
I can understand those who think about "money-back" and I will discuss with our sales people, how we can improve the handling of such cases.
But to those who still have a little patience I can assure that we are working hard to fix all the problems and fulfill all our announcements about platforms and interfaces like Audio Units.
We have tested a first version of the Reaktor Session Audio Units plugin in the last days and it will be on the website on next Tuesday. It is still not perfect, but should be usable in many cases. At least it shows that we are serious about AU.
Version 1.0.2 with a lot of fixes will be available in about a week. Further service updates will follow in short intervals. So please stay tuned and give us the chance to change your opinion about the product.
In a short time you will see, that Reaktor Session is worth more than the money you have spent for it.
Thanks for your understanding."
c'est l'update 1.0.2 que tu as essayé ?
La Miss est partie sur Second Life et se prélasse sur du sable fin, entourée de créatures de rêves dans une végétation luxuriante... enfin une retraite bien méritée !!!
Yodelhihoo. ;-)
NB : ne laissez pas de messages dans ma bal, je n'y suis plus...
Tue 10 Jun 2003, 08:17

News Translations

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QUOTE (feloche @ Jun 7 2003, 22:10) Vite vite ! Native sort un bundle de fou! la totale à 999 euros ! (si qqun en manque de points veut bien faire une news...) Bon moi j'le prend pas, j'ai déja acheté Kontakt http://www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?complete_us Cette niouse, J'l'ai fait avant le WE. Elle devrait pas tarder à être en ligne C'est une offre limitée au 100 premiers...
Sun 20 Jul 2003, 03:26

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QUOTE (miss kiki @ Jun 8 2003, 00:16) "As one of the developers of Reaktor Session I feel sorry that we have caused so much anger and frustration. And with a new standard like Audio Units there are even more unpredictable problems to solve. Est-ce que par hasard cela concerne aussi le reaktor "session one" (gratuit) que je vient d'acheter en CD accompagnant le magazine anglais Future Music ? Avec lui je n'ai que plantade sur plantade dans Logic sur Os X...
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