Syncing Logic & Mt4 With Midi Equipment, i need best possible timing |
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Tue 15 Apr 2003, 14:05


Group: Members
Posts: 34
Joined: 06-Apr 03
From: Melbourne - AU
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Oh well... Either you dont have a clue what im talking about or you dont use Logic with an Emagic midi interface. Come on! I know your out there! Show yourself or be forever damned to the regretful pits of reluctance....
Wed 16 Apr 2003, 04:25

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Ooops I just remember there was a french member of MM who has some problem related: bad timing, the interface locking… a nightmare. He solved that by using a dedicated USB PCI card But before that some help from an actual user of logic and Emagic interfaces would be great just to secure the other options
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