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> Virtual Guitarist Os X
post Wed 25 Dec 2002, 08:56
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I cant get Virtual Guitarist to load the banks under os x. I used the set content app and placed the banks i wanted to use in the Library/Audio/Plugins/Sounds/Banks foler where my other sound files are and it just says reload plugin where you select the banks. Any ideas?
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post Thu 2 Jan 2003, 18:26
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go to
and you shall read this :
It is difficult ti use VG with VST plugs in
If you succeed, please , warn I, thank you

New public beta version of the Mac installer

For Mac users who had problems with installation of Virtual Guitarist, here's a public beta to try out (v1.02). It should take care of your previous troubles.

Download Mac installer


Earlier Mac installation info

If you are using Logic Audio on Mac, you may encounter problems during installation of Virtual Guitarist. If so, please use to this procedure:

1. Install Virtual Guitarist from the program CD, as described in the manual.
2. Download and expand the application "VGSetContentFolder.hqx" using Stuffit Expander. You'll find the application here.
3. Run >>VGSetContentFolder<< by double-clicking the program icon.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.

For those who still have problems installing Virtual Guitarist on Mac computers, please try this:

Each plug-in contains a "TEXT" resource, which tells it where to look for the styles and samples, for example:

Macintosh HD:Virtual Guitarist

This can be edited manually using ResEdit (available at or another resource editor. If the path is wrong, the plug-in will say something like "files not found" in the program name display the next time it is loaded.
Use ResEdit like this:
First of all, move the folder with the audio content and the sty files to the top directory on your hard drive, e.g. C: or D:. Sometimes ResEdit seems more happy with this directory. (This solution may also improve things for PC users).
Start ResEdit. The first thing it will do is to let you choose which file to open. Open the "Virtual Acoustic Guitar" located in your "Vst plugin" folder.
Doubleclick on the field named "TEXT"

Doubleclick on the line with the numbers. 128 48

Write the path to the folder where your Virtual Guitarist audio files are located. This is the line that tells VG where to find the audio files.
macintosh HD:: virtual guitarist:
Close all windows and answer "Yes" when ResEdit asks if you want to save the file.
Now repeat steps 2-6 with the file "Virtual Electric Guitar".
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