Ibook 500/ Jaguar/ Cubase Sx |
Thu 21 Nov 2002, 16:13
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 21-Nov 02 From: Arnhem - NL Member No.: 9,449 |
Hi all,
as newbie to this forum forgive me if this question has been asked before, haven't been able to find a thread so far I want to upgrade my Ibook 500 to Jaguar and cubase SX. Anyone have any experience so far??? Have found only 1 (positive) account on the steinberg.net forum, but am hoping others have taken the plunge before me Many thanx in advance Kees |
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Thu 21 Nov 2002, 16:42
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 8 Joined: 05-Jul 02 From: Chicago - US Member No.: 5,494 |
I have been successfully running Cubase SX on my 10.2.2 iBook/500 for about two weeks now. Although I only do MIDI stuff, I haven't even tried audio. The harddrive that comes with a stock iBook is only 4200RPM (If I remember correctly) which would seem a bit slow for audio. Other than that, no problems at all.
-birdfeeder |
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