Midi Editor - Pencil Tool ?, Is there a pencil/paint tool for the midi editor in Garageband ? |
Tue 23 Jan 2007, 01:33
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 21-Jan 07 From: Sydney - AU Member No.: 87,552 |
Hi people, newbie question here, and my first post.
I've recently switched from using Sony Acid on Windows to a Mac setup, currently using Garageband. In the Acid piano roll midi editor there was a pencil/brush tool which allowed me to draw notes directly on the piano roll. I can't find an equivalent tool in Garageband, does one exist and if so how do I access it. I've resorted to tapping out notes using either a USB keyboard or the qwerty keyboard mapper, and then moving them (I'm a very poor keyboard player!), it works but I miss being able to add notes with the mouse pointer. I've already picked up some good info from these forums, so thanks in advance. |
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Tue 23 Jan 2007, 13:54
Member Group: Members Posts: 93 Joined: 30-Nov 04 From: Carmarthen. - UK Member No.: 55,837 |
If you hold down the apple key and click with your mouse in the midi editor you can create notes with a pencil tool. Easy !
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Thu 25 Jan 2007, 01:06
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 21-Jan 07 From: Sydney - AU Member No.: 87,552 |
Obvious really
Thanks. |
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