I Blame The Tiger .., PT can't find any audio record volume |
Wed 1 Mar 2006, 17:09

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 01-Mar 06
From: Ghent Bronx - BE
Member No.: 77,570

Hi I've reinstalled tiger on my powerbook g4 and PT ( updated to 6.9.2 ) m box , before I used panther and everything worked fine but now everytime I fire up PT (it opens normal) but when I try and set up a new session and select eg. documents it tells me that I need to select an AUDIO RECORD VOLUME instead and that it.... any suggestions on how to avoid this problem..
I might go back to panther if it keeps acting stupid because I need PT for my training
(1 - 2)
Thu 2 Mar 2006, 13:52

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 01-Mar 06
From: Ghent Bronx - BE
Member No.: 77,570

thx I've already fixed it (how unexpected) there was a link on the digidesign page wich has helped me with proper instructions the solution was in the reconfiguration of the PT workspace. thanks anyway , anyone know how to slave Idrum propely into PT ? laterz
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