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post Sat 14 Jan 2006, 16:43
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: 13-Aug 02
From: Hansen Hills - US
Member No.: 6,836

hey i was given a protools session file that has some reason stuff in it. i've never even opened reason before let alone work with it. i do have reason 2.5 adapted for digidesign.(came w/Mbox) i don't have a clue about how to use this with protools (6.9). i installed reason on my main hard drive. (all my audio files are on a firewire drive) i went to reason>preference>sound location>sound and patch search paths. assigned the #1 folder to digidesign databases and with reason open, i launched the protool session and it says "the following plug-ins were inactive because they could not be found in the plug-in folder: reason(16) some inputs were made inactive" where do i find these plug-ins and where do i put them? i'm running G4/1.3ghz/2gb ram.
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