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post Sun 6 Nov 2005, 21:19
Post #1


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I just purchased the firepod yesterday and I'm having problems with getting any real level. I tried to record separately a vibraphone (with a MXL V67 with phantom power on) and vocals with an Audix OM5 and in both cases, I barely get any level on the channels I decide to record on. And I mean, barely any. I'll be lucky if the meter on the channel even lights up. What am I missing? Is the unit defective? Is there a pad somewhere?
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post Tue 15 Nov 2005, 21:22
Post #2


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Have you tried running through an outboard pre-amp? That may help.

Although channels ! & 2 should not require an additional pre--amp.

PowerMac G5, 1.8GHz Single, !.25Mb, Firepod
Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Basic Bass, Compose, Home Studio: Garageband.
Folk, Blues, basic R&R

"If ya ain't got a sense of humor about life, it ain't funny!"
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post Wed 16 Nov 2005, 20:38
Post #3


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I am having the same problem with the Firebox. I can get some signal, albeit a tiny one, on intpu one but can't figure out how to "turn on" the rest of the inputs using Logic Express. Any pointers for a newbie to computer recording? Thanks.
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post Wed 16 Nov 2005, 20:51
Post #4


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tried holding down the 'shift' key while clicking on the additional track activation switches?

tiny signal could indicate a pre-amp is needed, or gain on that track needs to be turned up. what gear is in your signal path?

PowerMac G5, 1.8GHz Single, !.25Mb, Firepod
Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Basic Bass, Compose, Home Studio: Garageband.
Folk, Blues, basic R&R

"If ya ain't got a sense of humor about life, it ain't funny!"
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post Wed 16 Nov 2005, 21:38
Post #5


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I appreciate the quick response. Here's the breakdown: I have tried multiple mics (AKG C1000S, Sennheiser 416t, and Sennheiser Evolution Series Wireless Lav) all of which I know are functional because my company uses them to record to Canon XL series cameras. I have tried multiple cables I know to be working and presently have a brand new cable connecting the AKG C1000S to input 1 on the Firebox with Phantom Power enabled on the box (though I get the same result using a 9V in the mic). I know this mic specifically puts out a pretty hot Mic Level signal.

The problem is when I enable Monitoring and Recording on my Logic Express interface (I also have the same problem in Cubase SE) I get only a tiny signal. I have to turn the headphones up pretty high to monitor the tiny signal I am getting, and when I go to play back a recording of that signal I hear nothing. In my Core Audio settings for Logic I have the Firebox selected as my input and output device and I have the same settings in my Mac OSX User Prefs.

Additionally, if I connect a Line Level input (a Casio Privia PX-400R digitial piano) to the third input (one of two available Line Level inputs on the Firebox) I get no signal whatsoever. On the Presonus webpage there is a FAQ explaining how to enable the additional inputs in Cubase SE, but I can't find how to enable these extra inputs in Logic.

I am admittedly pretty new to computer recording. My only prior experience is with using an iMic connected to my Powerbook using Garageband to record Voice Overs. My small video production company has been doing well which has allowed us to expand our audio capabilities in terms of software and hardware. We are currently trying to do most of our recording through computer which has pushed me over to only doing audio. I'm excited about this, but need to get through these early setbacks to really be able to take advantage of the better quality recording available through our Macs.

I greatly appreciate any insight you can offer. Oh yeah, the first two links you sent me were dead. I guess those forum pages aren't up anymore.

Ben Campbell
High Noon Productions
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post Thu 17 Nov 2005, 11:08
Post #6

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Is the gain turned up for the input channel on the FireBox? Do you have Input 1 (or whichever physical input jack you've plugged into on the FireBox) selected in Logic for the track you wish to record on? Is the level slider turned up on the track in Logic? Is the track record-enabled (click Rec in the channel strip or R in the track name)? Have you checked your set-up in the FireBox Mixer app?

There's almost certainly nothing wrong with any of your equipment. In Logic, if you select a track for recording (say Audio 3), in the left-hand column at the bottom is a window showing the parameters for that track - input, output, meter, gain fader and so on. To choose where to get incoming audio from, click and hold Input (under I/O) and select your chosen input, whether it's the front panel jacks on the FireBox (1 and 2) or one of the rear inputs (3 and 4).

In the FireBox Mixer, I have Mix to Phones enabled, my Mixer Output is Main and Playback is 1/2 (these are the output channels). This provides latency-free monitoring.

Apologies if all this is obvious to you - I can't tell from your post. Let us know how you get on.
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post Thu 17 Nov 2005, 19:10
Post #7


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I have switched over to Cubase SE to take advantage of the simple layout. And at this point I hav tried using Garageband as well. I have gotten inputs 3 and 4 to register with whatever software I am using. I am now getting a signal to whatever input I choose to record to, but the level is still low regardless of input/mic source/instrument source. Even with the input level on the Firebox at 3 o'clock the faders in either the Firebox mixer or the Cubase mixer all the way up, and the output on a source (my Fender Musicman bass, for instance) all the way up the signal is still miniscule. I tried to avoid the Firebox completely and record a Mic signal straight into my Powermac's analog audio in and the signal level is substantially higher. I emailed Tech Support at Presonus to see what they thought and got two responses, both suggesting there is an input level problem with the Firebox and I should return it for a new one. I am going to keep fiddling with it for a little while longer before I give up and send it back. I have just uninstalled everything to do with the Firebox and reinstalled it to "start from scratch." We'll see how that works.

I have also noted that when I disconnect my nearfield monitors from the Firebox, they are silent, even with the 1/4 inch cables hanging loosely. When I reconnect them to the Firebox and set my Mac's output to the Firebox, my monitors are noticeably noisy. They even pick up strange interference from my lcd monitors when I am scrolling up and down on webpages. This also makes me think maybe there is a problem with the unit.
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post Thu 17 Nov 2005, 23:24
Post #8


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are your mics using an XRL connection into the firepod or 1/4 inch? I figured out that my problem was related to using a male 1/4 inch into the firepod. make sure your male 1/4 inch is stereo and has three connection points which means you will be using a balenced connection.
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