Problems With Setting It Up....grrrr, Logic and CME Keyboard! |
Thu 11 Aug 2005, 23:32
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 11-Aug 05
From: Kaltenkirchen - DE
Member No.: 68,670
Hi everybody,
i'm kind of new to all this music things and i got logic express to getting started. I also bought a cme Keyboard and set everything up...
Everything runs well with Garage Band but not with logic. I can see that my keyboard-midi device in the setting and it still doesn't work cause i can't hear a damn thing.
If i put a loop in and start it i hear it, if i use a mic i hear it but the keyboards just shows that i press the keys and buttons but i don't hear anything....
It justr seems that anything is switched on "mute" but i can't find the damn thing to "unmute" it
Please help....I'm getting frustrated..
Thanx Thorbizinho
This post has been edited by Geetzer: Thu 11 Aug 2005, 23:34
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Fri 12 Aug 2005, 10:33
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 11-Aug 05
From: Kaltenkirchen - DE
Member No.: 68,670
thanx for this. It took me a while to try and than it just worked out. Ha...
Have a good one....
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