Just Starting, what do I need |
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Sun 17 Jul 2005, 19:42

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From: Red Deer - CA
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I only have regular intruments and I have not yet plugged the mac in to see what is on it. I Bought it from a guy used and I know I will have to buy quite a bit of stuff for it. G4's don't have garageband do they? I am assuming I will have to buy rcording software and an interface but do you kknow what I should go with? I would like to have the capability to record live with four members so it woould be a lot of inputs.
Mon 18 Jul 2005, 11:16


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I can recommend the things I use myself. Motu 828 firewire interface aka soundcard. (8 analog ins/outs + adat sync + spdif in/out etc etc) Check it out at http://www.motu.com/or alternatively their Traveler box - a bus powered firewire box. The 828 MK-II has one midi in & out I believe (I have the MK-I without midi ins/outs) I also have the MTP-AV usb midi interface with 8 midi ins/outs SMTP time code etc etc. I also have Digital Performer-4.6 an awesome DAW as my tool of choice. If you by the Motu interfaces you'll get AudioDesk for free. Which is like Digital Performer ´WITHOUT any midi capabilities - strictly digital audio. And yes - if you like AudioDesk you can upgrade from AD to DP - thats what I did. In sweden where I live this will set you back about 3.000 us dollars == 22.000:- swedish crowns. (Interfaces + DP ) Cheers: Dixiechicken
================== Oh my god it's full of stars… --------------------------------------------------- Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs, Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V Emes Kobalt monitors ================================
Mon 18 Jul 2005, 13:16

Group: Members
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G4's are great - pick up iLife-- that will have Garageband on the disk, and it's pretty inexpensive. I pretty much anymore use Live 4.0 -- it updates to Live 5 in July -- for everything anymore. It is by far and away the most awesome audio software on the market today, and perhaps a bit under rated. You can sequence, sound design, as well as record in MIDI and AUDIO sources. It also allows a huge amount of flexibility with editing, plug in, and mastering and now renders at 32bits -- as opposed to just 16 or 24. And, if you have Reason, it is rewireable as master or slave. ((and no, I don't even work for Ableton )) Good luck !!
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