Recording Help |
Tue 24 May 2005, 13:57
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 24-May 05 From: Greenok - UK Member No.: 66,061 |
hi there, ive currently got and mbox with protools 6.7LE on a mac OSX. i am now wanting to be able to simitaniously record more then 2 inputs at the same time. what input rack would you suggest for use with pro tools
cheers todd |
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Tue 24 May 2005, 20:01
Junior Member Group: Members Posts: 185 Joined: 18-Apr 03 From: Tampa - US Member No.: 16,354 |
Your options for ProTools LE are: 002, 002R, or 'ProTools M-Powered' with an approved M-Audio interface. (Like FW 410 or FW 1814)
There are also of course ProTools TDM systems (High end, very expensive) Alternately, you could use a mixer and record the mix from the main outs. But that will not get you seperate tracks in PT, only the stereo sub-mix. Cheers, -------------------- |
Tue 24 May 2005, 21:33
Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 300 Joined: 21-Aug 02 Member No.: 7,031 |
You can buy a mixer with many inputs you want then send the stereo out to your MBox.
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