Midiport, Oms And Os9.2 - Cant Get Started... |
Mon 6 Dec 2004, 02:29
Group: Members
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Joined: 06-Dec 04
From: Richmond - CA
Member No.: 56,174
Hello all;
I purchased a Midisport 2X2, loaded OMS 2.3.8, loaded the Midisport driver, then clicked on the OMS setup program as instructed, and I get the following warning: “-108 there was not enough memory OMS could not be loaded”. I tried again by trashing everything from OMS and Midisport, setting Extensions manager to "9.2 base" restarting, reinstalling, restarting with the same result. What is going on?
I'm using a G3 Imac 450, 192 built in memory, Apple talk off
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Mon 6 Dec 2004, 20:29
Group: Members
Posts: 43
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From: Gradec - AT
Member No.: 37,222
looks like you have one or more systemextensions "coliding" with oms or midisport. i'm running a steinberg 2x2 usb2midi with oms and i only get a message like this when my 2x2 is unplugged. try to disable all extensions and control panels which are not needed for, well lets say your "making music setup". for some other tips - there has been a topic on this forum: http://www.macmusic.org/agora/forums/?s=&l...&f=6&t=2347&hl=someone there writes you have to install oms first - the the midisports driver.
Tue 7 Dec 2004, 17:03
Group: Members
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From: Gradec - AT
Member No.: 37,222
sorry lepetitmartian ... i was in a hurry to behave well-educated... back to the topic: the most stinky job with the classic macOS is to switch off all sys.ext. and cdevs and turn them on one by one if you are complete clueless which extension is causing problems. but it works (well mostly) in the last months i read a lot about m-audio (because i thought about a new usb-midi device) and i get the feeling that tascam looks like the better choice for os9.2.2.
Tue 7 Dec 2004, 19:34
Group: Members
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Joined: 06-Dec 04
From: Richmond - CA
Member No.: 56,174
Thanks to all for the input. I will check the back forums listed, and keep trying to reduce the number of extensions on. I'm already down to "9.2.2 base" in extensions manager. It seems to me that if this product is not working at this setting then, well, it should be returned!
I'll let you know what happens....
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