Osx & Virus Protection??? |
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Thu 28 Oct 2004, 00:16

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Nope, but i'm using the ipfw firewall (OS X) and LittleSnitch. There's been right now, a Trojan, a Worm and a ROOTkit (worm in the form of a shell script), the two first are suspiscious as for their origin, the third is no big deal, you must install it yourself with admin privileges. So, for now, we're safe. Now, If you use M$ Office, there's still the macro viruses around… But why use Office when you can use Open Office or less heavy apps? And with NO security problems… Right now, antiviruses on OS X are just $$$ for editors. But it may change one day!
Fri 29 Oct 2004, 02:31

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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(I'm going to repat myself a little…) You can scan all you want to, there's none!  Now we have had viruses previously on pre-OS X systems, but most of them were "jokes" and less of a dozen really baddies. I've met only 3 times viruses on mac and they were benign (OS < 9). On OS X at this moment we have had case studies of a worm, and 2 trojans. the worm was a case study made to prove a security point, first trojan was suspiscious as for its origin (a guy on P2P downloading a fake Office installer of a few hundred KB telling a macworls journalist telling M$ and Intego…)(intego did also quite a job at the paranoia department for the worm). last trojan is a rootkit, that is a shell script, running in command line, that you must physically install with at least admin privileges… Not exactly what you'd call something spreading easily and really nasty (in fact is a common admin tool in Unix). No adware, no spyware. So, keep an eye open, don't throw away $$$ right now, save if you're using Office (there's stlll the macro viruses around, ask M$) but you can use alternatives like Open Office (free and no macro virus). But use your ipfw firewall! it's a good thing. (not for viruses, but for basic security regarding access to your computer). Don't log as root (usually you don't need to) especially if connected to the net. And don't give away your login/password as admin. Final.
Thu 11 Nov 2004, 17:01

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QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Oct 28 2004, 21:31) You can scan all you want to, there's none!  ... ...but you can use alternatives like Open Office (free and no macro virus). My roomate's PC was just rendered completely in-operational by huge amounts of spyware it accumulated over the last months. So i said "there aren't even any of those for mac" and he says "the next computer I'm getting is gonna be a mac." And - Yeah Openoffice! I want to say that it has gotten me through 1 1/2 years of Brown University so far, and still counting! It just works, and when i need a feature, it almost always seems to have it. Some say an ugly GUI? I say a word processor should be a serious word processor, not that silly thing that is M$ Word. cheers
-Arvid •• Squish the Squid Productions, Modest Machine•• digitally augmented trumpet, TOOB, flugelhorn, cracklebox, percussicube, no-input-mixers and Macbook Pro, 2.4 GHz 15", MacOS 10.5, MOTU Ultralite, Logic Studio 9, MaxMSP 5, JackOSX •• •• Electronic-experimental, jazz, digital instrument design, electronics, unique software and performance.••
Thu 11 Nov 2004, 18:05


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One of the reasons why I decided to switch to Mac was because of the less-stressful virus, spyware, and trojan threat (Yes, being a musician when P2P came out I started using it. I was stupid. I decided to educate myself and do a project on it, and since then I haven't downloaded anything, therefore a virus, trojan, and spyware threat doesn't seem too great however I'll need Office for college projects and writing). I understand with time they might come along as more and more people are susceptable to it...but with a firewall and maybe some backup software (What do you recommend? I've heard great things about DiskWarrior) I am getting my 15" PB 1.5GHz 128MB Video RAM, maybe around 1.5GB RAM (Thinking of going the dealram.com route) with the faster 80GB harddrive (5400RPM) via Apple for the Christmas before college. But I'm thinking I'll need something extrernal to record to. Anyone have any experience with a great product for that? I figure that's very optimized for the recording I'll be doing, and something that won't need constant upgrades for a while (at least during college). I also do some web design. But that wouldn't require much for it works on my laden-PC so I figure getting Studio MX for Mac won't be a problem. I came here for the less problems I have had. I've had to completely reinstall Windows once and I've had to reinstall a few drivers as well (and drives for that matter) and I really don't want to do that...so I go with Mac and some of the back up software. I read an article pertaining to the PB and getting max tracks out of it...I won't need hardly a fraction of those tracks but it is interesting. Can you configure which languages to install and stuff to provide more disk space and power even if you just got the PB? (I know when you reinstall Windows from the Windows disk you get the same thing, but I was wondering if I could do some of that article's tips without reinstalling Panther). On the subject of deletion. Is it harder to delete stuff in Mac? Or is it once you delete it from the harddrive that's it? Is there a Control Panel sort of thing for adding and removing programs/hardware? It seems like this is the stuff I really need to know. But I was told by many accounts at AppleInsider.com NOT to use Norton anything. They said it's harder than Hades to uninstall it and it's worth all the CPU usage. Is this true? Is there an alternative. I've used Windows since I was raised on them (I am 17) in school, and not having antivirus at the least seems quite taboo! P.S. Good News, since about a month ago I have all of my music on my Hard Drive and data CDs and buy music via iTunes. I love iTunes. Maybe I'll look into getting an iPod sometime. BTW: Can I burn copies of my DVDs to take to college if it comes with the DVD burner? (superdrive)
-Shawn Powerbook 1.5GHz G4 512RAM Presonus Firepod | Logic Express 7.1 | Keystation 49e | 10.4.2 OS X
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