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Sat 16 Oct 2004, 00:26

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 05-Apr 04
From: Manchester - UK
Member No.: 40,234

I've recently bought Logic 6 express for mac having changed over from pc (for which I was using the pro version). I am so pleased with express it really does have everything I needed and more-I do alot of media music etc.
Th thing to do is to work out what youi need from the sequencer and check that express has it. I know it doesnt have the space designer reverbs and other plug ins and cant record 1,000,000 audio tracks but other that that its great!
Mark w
Mon 25 Oct 2004, 12:21

Group: Members
Posts: 15
Joined: 27-Feb 04
From: Honolulu - US
Member No.: 37,024

I have Logic Platinum 4.8 and Logic Express 6. I am going to upgrade to Logic Pro 6, though, as 6 did not have a lot of the Logic plugins that I needed for my projects from 4.8. However, Logic Express 7 has most of the plugins from 4.8, but too bad for me that it doesn't work under OS 9.
Logic Express 7 seems to be quite able to work with, but if you can afford Logic Pro 7, I would go with that. Logic Express 6 was very limited compared to Logic Platinum 4.8, that it almost felt like a demo. Had I known how limited Express 6 was, I would have just gone with Pro 6 first.
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