Routing Audio On A Digi 002 Rack, Can I route I/O without big record'n app |
Thu 12 Aug 2004, 19:09
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 9 Joined: 01-Aug 03 From: Whachumaskat - US Member No.: 22,311 |
Sometimes all i want to do is play my Guitar but I have it set up through my 002r and I want an application that can send my inputs straight to my monitor outs and nothing else. THat's all i want to do.
PS anyone have a midnam for a Kurzy PC1x? |
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Thu 12 Aug 2004, 21:46
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 3 Joined: 09-Aug 04 From: Winnipeg - CA Member No.: 48,501 |
as far as I know you have to route it thru PT, that's what happens when you buy these types of systems, what you can do is save one PT file on your computer setup to play guitar, all you have to do is have the record button on, you don't have to record anything.
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