soundcard for mac, soundcard for mac pro tools/cubase |
Fri 19 Apr 2002, 20:19
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 19-Apr 02 From: Santa Monica Member No.: 4,328 |
Does anyone know of a soundcard that works well with pro tools and cubase? I'm trying to stay in the 250-400 dollar range. I have a G4/500mhz/650ram. Thanks.
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Mon 22 Apr 2002, 19:30
Member Group: Members Posts: 74 Joined: 08-Nov 01 From: Kirkland Member No.: 2,293 |
If you want more than 8 tracks that Pro Tools Free gives you, and you have a need for Pro Tools. You'll have to buy Digidesign hardware.
You can use Digidesign hardware with other software, but their support lags the industry. They would prefer you to have an all digidesign setup. I don't know if the new M-Box will work with other software. In your price range I would take a look at a M-Audio card. -------------------- G-Dub
Tue 23 Apr 2002, 04:48
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 19-Apr 02 From: Santa Monica Member No.: 4,328 |
Thanks G-dub. I will almost always record either midi or two tracks of audio at once (vocals, stereo guitar, etc.). Is the M audio card still your recommendation? Thanks again.
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