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Mon 24 May 2004, 02:05

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dunno, but I expect all 48 that it lets you have. It had better with a 1.5 GHz and no plugs. But maybe at that point it depends more on hard drive speed than processor speed. good luck.
-Arvid •• Squish the Squid Productions, Modest Machine•• digitally augmented trumpet, TOOB, flugelhorn, cracklebox, percussicube, no-input-mixers and Macbook Pro, 2.4 GHz 15", MacOS 10.5, MOTU Ultralite, Logic Studio 9, MaxMSP 5, JackOSX •• •• Electronic-experimental, jazz, digital instrument design, electronics, unique software and performance.••
Mon 24 May 2004, 12:35

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To run the mac as a straight up multitrack tape deck is cool. I had so much stress on my system running virtual inst. that I finally just got a few midi rack pieces and wow, what a difference. I don't know exactly how many you will get but probably plenty. But for a small additional cost you must buy an external firewire drive dedicated to audio.
Tue 25 May 2004, 05:28

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From: Alameda - US
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Even with a dual 1 gighz G4 I still shy away from softsynths. Frankly when good hardware synths available for not much more, why bother? Plus you get some really great interfaces with the better synths like the Access Virus C. Plus they have resale value, where as legally you can't even sell most software.
Tue 25 May 2004, 10:33


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From: Aarhus C. - DK
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If your're not using any effects or soft-synths, the limit wil be your hard drive speed. Playing audio alone hardly uses any processor power. I use a 12" 1Ghz Powerbook with Logic Platinum 6, and have recently completed a project with about 20 tracks of 16bit audio running from the Powerbooks internal 4200rpm hard drive. The hard drive was at about 60% (with occasional peaks above that), so there was probably room for a few additional tracks, but if you want 48 tracks, you'll probably need an external firewire/usb hard drive.
electronicmusic.dkPowerbook G4 1Ghz, 768 MB RAM, OS X 10.3.9, Motu 828 mkII, Behringer BCF2000, Oxygen8 Logic Pro 7.1, Live 4, Max/MSP 4.5, Finale 2005, NI Komplete 2, Waves Musicians 2, T-Racks, Amplitube, CamelSpace
Wed 26 May 2004, 06:43

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hello, i am thinking about getting the mbox wich comes with protools le. my concern is track count, i have a g4 400mhz with 648 of ram. could somebody give me some advice on this. if protools doesn't have a good track count, which program does? thanks
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