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> Cc Question From Newbie Oldie, pitch bend from cc pedal??
post Tue 3 Feb 2004, 03:56
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Wow this site is terrific, I wish I'd found it earlier.
I'm a 'newbie' when it comes to the latest electronic music gear and computer jargon. Yet I'm an 'oldie' inso far as I bought my first synth (an EMS SynthiA and DK1 keyboard) in 1974...... thirty years ago! I've still got it too.
I've got an imac G3 and an ibookG3, neither of which has a soundcard, Is this any way around this or am I going to have to replace them with a G4?s I'm thinking of buying some new gear to amuse myself with, possibly something like Logic or MOTU software like performa and mach5. I've never tried a software sequencer(or synth for that matter) but I used a roland 'analogue' sequencer to control an Arp Oddysey LIVE twenty odd years ago...scary when a brush against the tuning knobs by a roadie could spell disaster. The other keyboard player in our band(less financially challenged than I!) used a CV+gate Roland MC4 to run an fab Oberheim 4 voice and a roland system 100. Not a midi lead in sight!
The only bit of modern gear I own is a nord modular, which kinda reminds me of my quirky old EMS. Great bit of kit.

Unfortunately I had a stroke 5 years ago which left my left hand paralysed. I'm wondering if I could use a cc pedal for pitch bend?I'm not sure but I believe there is some inherant difficulty with assigning a controller to that parameter as it doesnt update often enough to get a smooth bend, resulting in 'zipper noise' or midi choke. It wouldnt have to have a zero point in the middle of its travel like minimoog wheel, I'd be content to just bend 'up' a couple of semitones for those expressive Jan Hammer/George Duke type lead solos most keyboard players my age used to copy so shamelessly back in the 70's Any thoughts?
regards John Connell.
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post Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:04
Post #2

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Well inprinciple it should not be problem to assign your CC-pedal to midi-pitchbend.
However that depends to great degree on your synth module/sound module.

It is entirely possible that your cc-pedal input on your sound/synth-module will NOT allow
such re-routing. On modern equipment I would expect this to be possible.

I'm by no means ceartin of this - I can try to check this out on my EPS-16 & Kurzweil-2000 & let you know how it goes..

Cheers: Dixiechicken

Oh my god it's full of stars…
Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram
DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs,
Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V
Emes Kobalt monitors
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post Tue 3 Feb 2004, 20:48
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Hi Jaysee!

I did a quick testing on my trusty EPS-16 and I have bad news & half good news:

1: Bad News:
On my EPS-16 the cv-control input jack is "semi-hardwired" to either midi ctrl 4 or midi ctrl 7 == corresponds to "modulation" & "volume" respectiviely.

If start to edit indviual sounds in the EPS I can assign the cv-pedal to my LFO:s and also the filter/pitch/ and amp envelopes.
I sure it's possible to go this roundabout route to achive the "pitch wheel" effect. cool.gif Although it is a bit of "PITA". wink.gif

My Kurz is down in the rehearsal studio at the moment so havent had time to test re-routing the cv-pedal this way on it.

Cheers: Dixiechicken

Oh my god it's full of stars…
Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram
DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs,
Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V
Emes Kobalt monitors
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post Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:41
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Thanks for trying, much appreciated.
I wonder if anyone has ever made a midi - theremin, they glide glissando and portamento all over the place....even the vibrato isnt produced by a modulating oscillator, it follows the real time shake of the players hand.
I toyed with the idea of getting a breath controller to replace my left hand duties, but I guess it's the same problem as the pedal idea, if 4 and 7 are off limits, thers little point.
cheers, Jay see
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post Tue 3 Feb 2004, 23:32
Post #5

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I wouldnt give up quite so soon.

Did a quick check on my Kurzweil-2000. ( had pick up some stuff from the studio)
The cv-pedal on my K-2000 can bee assigned to any midi-number between 1-128.
The common numbers like 7,4, 10, 64 etc etc. were all replaced by their designated usage, volume, modulation,panning etc.
No specific label for pitch shift though.

Those "free" midinumbers not taken into account by the midi-specifikation, may by specific manufacturers be used for features implemented only by that manufacturer.
(Yamaha might use midi number 79 for making the display blink a S.O.S at deaf musicians - or whatever smile.gif )

I'm feel almost certain, your problem could be solved pretty easily.
If there's a musical college - like Berkeley or similar - not too far from where you live, they might have a midi-guru that could help you better than I can.

Dont give up just yet.
Cheers: Dixiechicken

Oh my god it's full of stars…
Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram
DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs,
Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V
Emes Kobalt monitors
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