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Tue 14 Aug 2001, 23:22
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DigitMus -
Since the iBook only has 1 firewire port, how would an external firewire drive be used? I'm a bit confused, sorry. I completely agree about an external drive, but the limitations of our iBooks seem to make that impossible-
Thanks in advance!
Wed 15 Aug 2001, 13:53
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ahhh! Awesome! Obviously I haven't dealt with any external firewire drives, now I'm really looking forward to it! So you've been able to do 8 tracks writing to the external drive, with no problems? Thanks again for your help, I of course just get nervous before spending $$$ on the 828. Take care.
Sat 21 Jan 2006, 14:07
Group: Members
Posts: 2
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From: Prague - CZ
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Got a problem with ibook and imic. when plugged in, there is a humm that the imic introduces. This does not happen w. a powerbook.
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