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post Fri 2 Jan 2004, 03:10
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First of all, I want to appologize to everyone with regards to my ignorance to Macs. I only just started using them and it is all greek to me..<laugh>

I am using Pro Tools LE 6.2 and a G4 Mac.

I am importing a MIDI file and want to play it in Pro Tools but the catch is that I do not have any outboard MIDI devices. In the PC world, the general midi takes over and you hear the tracks.
In Pro Tools, nothing. QT plays them fine but nothing in Pro Tools.

What do I need to do to get Pro Tools to use the internal Mac GM sounds to play in the software???

Please help, it is driving me crazy.


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post Tue 25 May 2004, 01:21
Post #2


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I have the exact same question. I am running a wind controller into my midiman midisport 4x4/mbox/protools/ibook g4 rig and I would like to hear what I am playing through the COMPUTER'S synth (the wind controller's synth doesn't support multiple voices, so I can't play back through it. Somone help me out.
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post Tue 25 May 2004, 13:12
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HI MacMusic!
i'd like to know this also. When i was starting out I couldnt play a MIDI file thru Cubase without a Virtual Instrument, it only played in Quicktime Player. I ignored this problem by not importing any MIDI files into my projects.
Now if i do wanna play MIDI files how do I?
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post Wed 26 May 2004, 00:53
Post #4

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All good questions, did you guys with PTLE get the bundle that includes Sampletank LE, and Reason Adapted.

If you did you have a couple of sample playback plugins. SampleTank runs on a STEREO Audio/Aux track. It will not appear in the plug-in list if you're trying to instantiate the plug-in on a MONO track.

From Digi's website:A little background:
Reason is a MIDI software synthesizer/sampler that must be triggered by a MIDI keyboard/controller to work in Pro Tools. Before you use Reason, you must first have your MIDI keyboard controller up and running and configured in AMS if you're using a Mac. (In Pro Tools > Setups > Edit MIDI Studio Setup). Reason uses the ReWire plug-in to connect with the Pro Tools session.

Here's How to setup either the full version of Reason or Reason Adapted for Pro Tools LE:
1) Launch a Pro Tools session.
2) Launch the Reason application. (See below***)
3) For Pro Tools LE, create either a mono or a stereo aux. input track. (File Menu > New Track). For TDM systems, create either a mono or stereo audio track. (File Menu > New Track). Make sure the volume is up on either the aux or audio track.
4) Instantiate the Reason RTAS plug-in insert on an aux or audio track in Pro Tools (TDM systems must use and audio track).
5) When the ReWire window opens, select the proper Rewire channel from Reason that you want routed to that audio track - For a stereo track choose: Mix L - Mix R. Or for a mono track choose: Mix L or Mix R.
6) Create a MIDI track. (File Menu > New Track).
7) Set the output of the MIDI track to the Reason sound module you will be using. You MUST create the MIDI track after you have already instantiated the Reason plug-in on a track; otherwise, there will not be any Reason selections for the output of your MIDI track.
8) Press the record enable button on the MIDI track.
9) Play the keyboard, you should get a signal into both the MIDI and audio/aux. tracks and hear Reason play.

Troubleshooting if you don't hear Reason play:
1) If you get signals into both the MIDI and audio/aux. tracks, but you don't hear anything, try setting the input of the MIDI and audio/aux. tracks to "No Input".
2) Try a different octave on the keyboard, as drum sounds may only use specific notes on the keyboard.
3) Make sure you have an instrument loaded into the sound module in Reason.

Please note: Only the first 2 ReWire channels can be used on a stereo track. For information on how to route Reasons mono outputs to a stereo track in Pro Tools, please see Answerbase #27105.

Propellerheads also has an excellent guide for Reason available at:

For Cubase you have to open the instrument in the VST instument window then select it in the inspector.

For more details check the DUC at the Digidesign site, for Cubase the community can be found at

Hope that helps. cool.gif

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post Wed 26 May 2004, 21:13
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You, sir, are a god-send. It worked like a charm.

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