Taming An Old Person's Voice, Modifying Screech and "Picket Fence" |
Wed 21 Mar 2007, 21:09
Group: Validating
Posts: 1
Joined: 24-Feb 07
Member No.: 88,766
This is about an interview in which I've recorded a very old lady's narration. Upon playback it turns out that she has a pronounced very shrill voice and a typical old person's "picket fence" voice quality.
I'm very inexperienced in handling plugins and am using Amadeus Pro as my editing software for Macintosh. It includes EQ and compression.
I'd very much appreciate any tips for how to reduce the "screech" and, if possible, the "picket fence" as well. In specific, what settings should I try on the EQ and which other plugins (free) could be of any use?
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