Cubase Sx3, Midi record problem |
Thu 29 Dec 2005, 16:11

Group: Members
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For anyone else suffering with this problem - I've finally found out via the Cubase.net forum that the problem is caused by the latest FW 410 1.6 driver - I've now uninstalled 1.6 and re-installed the previous 1.5.3 driver and everything works fine.. Come on M-Audio, get some real quality checking done before releasing these updates.. this scenario has lost me over a day's work!
Thu 29 Dec 2005, 17:04


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I too, have had major midi/audio problems using M-Audio interfaces using Cubase in general. I currently use Cubase SX3 through an M-Audio Delta 1010, and have completely given up on using built-in the midi interface. After countless driver juggling and downloading of drivers, I continued having horrific tempo and drop-outs problems with my midi tracks. I ended-up going through a seperate 2X2 midiman interface, and now my midi is solid as a rock. I love M-Audio devices, but they refuse to correct many of the on-going and well-documented problems evoloving around midi stability. I am sick of down-loading the latest drivers every few days, only having to revert back to a (much) previous driver. Of course when you have to do this, you have to tolerate the other issues that came with that driver. It is a viscious circle. I hope since the merging of M-Audio and Pro Tools, that things don't become worse for the non-PT users. Hang in there!!!
Fri 30 Dec 2005, 13:12

Group: Members
Posts: 15
Joined: 20-Feb 04
From: UK
Member No.: 36,389

Yes.. I totally agree that MAudio devices are nice. But their inability to 'share' a firewire buss is pretty restrictive also - even using an external FW800 drive has caused me horrendous problems when used alongside the FW410. I've also persevered for nearly 2 years now tolerating new driver issues etc.. and I'm getting to the point where I'm seriously thinking of switching to something that offers more stability and less problems. Time to look at Midiman or Roland perhaps?
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