Old Jlcooper Fadermaster |
Tue 25 Jan 2005, 23:19

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From: Altoona - US
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I recently got possession of an old JLCooper Fadermaster which I'd like to use in my studio. However, I have no manual nor the power transformer (wall wart) that accompanies it. I've written Cooper, but no answer as yet. Anyone with what I need out there? No model #, but s/n is A1016137.
Wed 26 Jan 2005, 18:04

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power, 5V DC or above, centre positive. It's got a little 5v regulator inside so anything above that within reason, not more than 1/2 A, 500mA, something like that. Manual, no, 'fraid not, not here...you press a button and move a fader, there's no menu as such.. press the red button as well for the functions on the top of the buttons, say for the max and min, thsat's where you define what midi value are the max and min for that fader ie 0-127 or say 32-64. The faders go noisy so if the red LED display keeps changing you'll prob need to clean or try and replace the faders.
have fun!
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