Hard Disk Recording, Reliability and cost to customer |
Sat 19 May 2001, 04:24
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 19-May 01
Member No.: 647
I am considering, in the future, changing from digital tape recording(DA-88) to digital hard disk recording(Mackie HDR24, Ensoniq Paris, or ProTools).With these products being new, I am curious if anyone has worked with any of them as the core system in a 24 or 32 track professional environment. The main questions of reliability are in the hard drives (losses from a crash at start up or shut down) and the cost of back up. Other issues are in just overallperformance and efficiency.
Also, how do customers who used to buy video cartridges for adats and da88s feel about the cost of hard drives and back-up hard drives that come with a hard disk system? any insight on this?
Mon 13 Aug 2001, 02:07
Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 01-Aug 01
From: Winterthur
Member No.: 1,379
Dear Walter, what do you mean with problems with a D8b from Mackie?
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