Jaguar, Panther Or Tiger?, Which OS is the best for musicmaking? |
Tue 21 Sep 2004, 17:16

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 16-Mar 04
From: Gent - BE
Member No.: 38,641

Hi, I am using a Powerbook G4 for music production with Jaguar 10.2.8. Is there any reason I should upgrade to Panther or Tiger? I have heard that Panther causes several problems for making music. Can someone tell me what is best?
Sat 9 Oct 2004, 14:23


Group: Members
Posts: 33
Joined: 02-Apr 04
From: Gutild - DE
Member No.: 40,050

Don't upgrade to panther... Not because of any difficulties I know of, but because Tiger will be released soonish and you might as well get the very latest set of features if you're going to upgrade. I've only used 10.2.8 briefly, but I must say I missed some of the features 10.3. has to offer... So wait a bit, get 10.4. and be at the cutting edge of technology
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