Akai Mpc 60 File Transfer To Mac, same |
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 22:15

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 23-Jul 04
From: Newbury Park - US
Member No.: 47,517

I am about to upgrade from an Akai MPC 60 to a Mac w/ Logic. I have the original Akai MPC 60 and want to transfer my sequencer files to the Mac. The problem is that the MPC 60 cannot save as a Standard MIDI File onto it's floppy disk.
I have about 70 songs sequenced that I'll need to transfer. How will I be able to do this??
Thu 21 Apr 2005, 22:49

Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: 02-Feb 02
From: St Denis - FR
Member No.: 3,259

you need to upgrade your os to 3.10 version it's have midi files fonction.
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