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> Microkorg Midiman 2x2 And Reason Help
post Sun 4 Jan 2004, 03:28
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 04-Jan 04
From: Norfolk - US
Member No.: 32,378

Hello everyone, I need help sending Midi from Reason 2.5 on my Mac g4 to the micro korg. RIgth now I can record midi info INTO reason fom themicrokorg but I cant figure out how to get midi sequencers that are recording on in reason sent back to the Microkorg.

here is my setup

Micro korg midi out to Midisport 2x2 Midi in 1 Mocro korg midi thru to mpc 2000xl midi in

the midisport midi interface ins hooked usb into my computer.

I have tried turing off the midi clock on reaosn and the microkorg but neither send info to the microkorg.

Reason AND the microkrg are set to receive and send info on channel 5

Is there somethign i am missing to receive midi info on the micro korg? i have searched high and low and have nt foudn anyting that says "to set midi In preference" for micro korg do this:...

please help
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post Sun 4 Jan 2004, 15:47
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 21
Joined: 02-Jan 04
From: Hilversum - NL
Member No.: 32,237

For now it is still impossible to send MIDI data out of reason.(with the exeption off rewire) The best way to work like you want to is working with an sequencer that supports rewire. You run it along reason and put all the midi info you want send to microkorg in there. Try Cubase.

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