M-box2 Or 1814 Firewire, for film post |
Thu 22 Dec 2005, 16:30

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From: Broughton
Member No.: 4,705

Bit rate is more important than sample rate - so 24-bit/48kHz is a very decent, totally professional standard for recording. Personally, I don't like the Mbox or Pro Tools, but there's nothing wrong with its tech spec. Everyone likes to have 96kHz interfaces these days, but I bet hardly anyone is really using that particular feature. If you do look at the Mbox, see how loud the preamps go - there have been a lot of complaints that they're not loud enough. The Firebox preamps are actually pretty quiet, too - sound great, but quiet. A dedicated mic pre is always the way to go. There was also a very, very long thread on these forums when the Mbox 2 was first announced - you might like to read through that. Do a search - lot of interesting comments
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