G4 Ighz Enough? |
Fri 4 Nov 2005, 00:30

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From: Lufkin - US
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i'm new to recording on the computer. i have a g4 sawtooth with a 1 ghz sonnet cpu and plenty of ram (1.6). i just bought a presonus firebox and am snorkling around in Garageband, which i will either upgrade to Logic Express or Tracktion2 later. i'm wondering if i have enough machine to do several tracks without bogging down, or is it time to buy a new machine. don't want to if i don't have to. i also have a sata drive hooked up with a pci controller card that i run all my main computer stuff on. i've thought of buying another sata drive and running only the music on it. to do this would i need to install OS X on this drive and boot up from it, or would i just use this drive for back-up? thanks.
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 09:20

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Unfortunately GarageBand is actually a real dog. It's rather slow and slams the CPU pretty quickly. You're probably fine for a few tracks, but once things get busy with effects and a high track count you'll probably be in trouble. Hard drive speed won't be the botttleneck, it'll tbe the CPU.
Pro Tools 7 is actually significantly accelerated over previous versions. Maybe a basic M-Audio interface and Pro Tools M-Powered would be the trick? Or finding a used M-Box on ebay or craigslist and getting the PT7 upgrade for $75.
Just a few thoughts.
Thu 1 Dec 2005, 12:18

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A good piece of advice for GB on the Apple site How to cop with the cpu limitation... http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93618  And click on the padlock of the tracks when finalized
This post has been edited by ptilou: Thu 1 Dec 2005, 12:22
Thu 1 Dec 2005, 12:28

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QUOTE (rustynails @ Nov 4 2005, 00:30) i have a g4 sawtooth with a 1 ghz sonnet cpu and plenty of ram (1.6). i just bought a presonus firebox and am snorkling around in Garageband, It's quiet a good setting up to begin and to carry on seriously
Thu 1 Dec 2005, 17:06

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 04-Nov 05
From: Lufkin - US
Member No.: 72,082

thanks for the info. i do have Logic Express now, seems like a bit of a learning curve. Garageband is fun, and with drytracking i do o.k., but any software instruments and it bogs down pretty quickly. Garageband anywhere looks like a cool little app.
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