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> Os9, Esi 4000, Um-1sx And Cubase
post Sat 11 Jun 2005, 13:52
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Group: Members
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Joined: 09-Jun 05
From: Milano - IT
Member No.: 66,638

hi everybody,
i used an esi 4000 controlled by cubase on pc version for years. now i've turned to mac. I've bought an imac g3 600mhz with cubase 32 5.1 alredy installed. I try to control my esi4000 sampler through an edirol usb midi interface (UM-1SX) but it does not work! I've OMS 2.3.8 and free midi 1.4 drivers but it seems that the input doesn't reach cubase (but the led on the midi inteface is on) and the output doesn't reach the sampler (infact in the preferences dialog box i can't select the midi inteface but only the "local" option).
Don't know: i miss or wrong something in the setup or there is a compatibility problem (with the pc i used a roland mpu-401 interface, but i guess it doen't exist a mac version of it).
somebody out there can help me, please?
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post Sat 11 Jun 2005, 15:22
Post #2

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Maybe it's only the old OMS trick.

Uninstall OMS and the edirol drivers completely (drivers, preferences…), unplug the edirol
Install first OMS
Then the Edirol drivers
Plug the Edirol in
See if it appears in OMS this time (if not repeat along these lines, OMS is a very old software never meant for OS 9 and is sometimes nasty to deal with).

Note that it's an Edirol/M-audio speciality… sad.gif

If you don't use MOTU software, you don't need freeMIDI and it'll confuse more OMS than help… wink.gif

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post Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:53
Post #3


Group: Members
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From: Milano - IT
Member No.: 66,638

thank you very much, lepetitmartien!
I followed your preciuos advice and now the edirol interface works! infact if i play the test studio, it's ok.
but the problem still exist with cubase (vst 32.5.1): i cannot select the outputs! in the midi setup box the outputs flag is grey and unselectionable!
Maybe i have a "no good" version of cubase...or again i miss something.
Probably i should turn to logic (but where can i find an older logic that run with my g3 600mhz 384ram and os9.2?) or something else...
bye and thanks
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