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> Mémoire Ram Maxi Sur Protools
post Thu 21 Apr 2005, 18:24
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From: Jouques - FR
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Otez moi d'un doute : est-il vrai que protools ne reconnait pas plus de 1,5 go de ram ?
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post Thu 21 Apr 2005, 18:46
Post #2


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From: Paris - FR
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C'est faux. Pour du grand luxe, Digi himself recommande 2 à 4Go de RAM... Mais bon, là, c'est grand luxe hein...
En revanche, de ce que j'en ai lu, un PT sur G4 n'utilisera pas plus de 2Go, là où, sur un G5, il pourra en utiliser jusqu'à 4.

J'ai d'ailleurs retrouver l'article (qui est en fait une réponse d'un technicien Digi à une question sur le processing 64 bits propres aux G5) d'où je tire une partie de ces infos et que je recommande aux fans de spécifications techniques.
"I heard lots of interesting claims about the advantages of 64 bit processing. Is it true that 64 bit applications run that much faster, and if so, is Digidesign going to recompile Pro Tools to take advantage of the speed increase"?

Digidesign's Kenn LeGault replied with the following:

"It's worth asking: what is a "64-bit app" anyway? Is there such a thing on a G5/OSX system? There are two things to consider when talking about "64-bitness" ...
First, there's the address bus and address registers. The G5 supports 64-bit addresses so, in theory, a "true" 64-bit application could address 2^64 bytes of memory (this is a very large number), rather than 2^32 bytes of memory (this is 4 GB). However, the problem here is that OSX is not a "true 64-bit OS" because it doesn't let any single process (application) access more than 2^32 bytes of memory (4 GB).
It's true that the G5 is "a bit better" than 32-bit systems in terms of addressing (pun intended):
On a G4, an individual application can access "only" 2^31 bytes of memory (2 GB). The G5 allows a single application to address twice as much memory as the G4, or 2^32 (4 GB).
It's also true that the G5 allows you to put twice as much RAM in your computer as compared to a PC -- 8 GB rather than 4 GB -- but 8 GB is "only" 2^33 (again, a "bit" better than a PC).
For database applications and some specialized scientific applications, having a 64-bit logical address space is important (even if you don't have more than 8 GB of physical RAM available), since it simplifies how the code is written to access bazillions of records in a database (using a so-called "64-bit flat address space"). However, Pro Tools (and most other applications) don't really care about 64-bit addressing. It doesn't buy us anything. Two or four gigabytes of memory address space is more than enough for >95% of the applications out there.
The second important part of "64-bitness" is that there are 64-bit data registers and a 64-bit FPU (floating point unit) in the G5. But guess what? The G4 already has this feature! We've had 64-bit ("double-precision") math code in Pro Tools plug-ins for quite some time (and many third party plug-ins use 64-bit internal math in their algorithms, too). So, our 64-bit "double-precision" code will continue to run on a G5 just as before, except for the fact that the G5 runs much faster, and has two FPUs. So, while the G5 chip is certainly more "powerful" than the G4 in terms of floating point operations (it can do more per second), we don't need to change our C++ code, and we don't even need to recompile our existing code. Our plug-ins will take advantage of the new G5 performance automagically. =-)

So, don't get too hung up on the notion of "64-bit computing." If you're running on a "true" 64-bit OS (like Microsoft and perhaps Apple may ship someday), and if you're running a 64-bit database or scientific application, you'll see a difference. Otherwise, 64-bit addressing doesn't really help most applications".

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