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> Audio Interface!, suggestions for best audio interfaxce
post Sun 12 Dec 2004, 14:55
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Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 11-Nov 04
From: Phila - US
Member No.: 54,822

i'm in the market for a new audio interface, i sold my motu 828 and was going to upgrade to the motu traveler when it hits the marketplace. I've been quite content w/my 828, i'm running dp4.5 (mac g4 1g 1.5mb) so they work well together. however, i wanted to know if anyone knew of something better that i maybe should check out before i make the purchase.


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post Thu 3 Feb 2005, 02:08
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 17-May 04
From: Brooklyn - US
Member No.: 43,430


I'm in the same shoes except I sold a WaMi Rack 192X...
I'm looking for something FW-based interface w/ hw mixer onboard and some video-sync option (I do video stuff mostly).

There's one UBER smile.gif stuff actually, instead of Traveler, the RME's Fireface 800 w/ optional LTC/VITC and other cool things - but unfortunately costs ~2x more, around $1500, so I'll stick with the Traveler, it sports at least some SMPTE support, out of the box.

If anybody got his Traveler, please, let me know how it works... time is closing on me...


by T2k!
DP G5 1.8GHz | Logic Pro 6 | Avid Xpress Pro 4.6/HD
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