Twenty Thousand MacMusicians !, MacMusic |
Fri 17 Oct 2003, 15:40

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 23-Sep 03
From: Hamar - NO
Member No.: 25,270

Great web-site! Keep on rolling....
Fri 17 Oct 2003, 22:33

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 2,758

Thanks! Now there can be no site without member's help either news, links, forum participation. And also without English talking Teamers. Right now, save Peter Kirn our head of news and EN moderators (hi all!) it's mostly French addicts who are sweating in the backroom to make the site attractive and informative. We need right now people to work especially in our soft tracker section, which is very popular, but we could make it way better if there was a real crew on the job (lighter duty and better coverage), right now all is done by 2 people, we need 4-5 at least. English only speakers are _welcome_, and the more there is the best! Note that if this is not solved quickly, we'll have to stop the tracker as we are unable to maintain it in this conditions (it's just a matter of a little of dedication from a rather small crew, but no people = no tracker) The link section is headless so there's jobs for members there too. If any of you is interested, just contact me thru PM, or use the Contribute section, if each one does his (even if little) share, we'll be not only "great" but "tremenduously great" now back to my job
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