OSX Panther soon available, Apple |
Thu 9 Oct 2003, 15:57

Group: Members
Posts: 17
Joined: 23-Sep 03
From: Brooklyn - US
Member No.: 25,262

I'd like to know if the Mac OS X 10.3 updated Audio MIDI Setup utility will include MIDI device descriptions and manufacturer information. As it is now in 10.2, Audio MIDI Setup has pulldown menus for MIDI devices, but the contents are empty. It seems as if Apple meant to eventually fill in the blanks.
http://www.macboy.com Cartoons for Mac GeeksMew & Zach Mac Music Comic StripPowerBook G4 800MHz Mac OS X 10.3, Emagic Logic Platinum 6, amt8, Yamaha TG500 (x2), Yamaha TX81Z, Roland JD-990, Roland D-550, Korg M1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Mackie LM3204 line mixer, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, V-Tech VT-1030 Cheap-O Uni-Directional Mic, Macromedia Flash 6 MX
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