10.2.8 The Return!, Apple |
Sat 4 Oct 2003, 13:35

Group: Members
Posts: 24
Joined: 20-Sep 03
From: Outer Space - CR
Member No.: 25,100

Well i would like to know how it does with a 450 dual, i still will not consider a PC over this one event of back programing by APPLE though ; )
MAC G4-450MP, 512MB, DVD-CDR, 75 GIG int.+ 120 GIG int, PCi excelorator to 4 120 GIG internal, 2x15" Cinema displays with a Dr.botts adaptor, Radeon Mac edition Video card, LaCie Firewire pocket CDRW 12-10-16 drive, Cannnin BJ portable printer, Cannon 1220 Scanner,
MUSIC-HARDWARE Oxygen8 Korg Pandora 3 Yamaha MSP5's ADSL Ibenez Gilbert 757 Guitar
MUSIC-Software Logic 6 + esx24mkii, altiverb, Ni-FM7, NI-Absynth, NI-Pro 53 + some more apps..
Mon 6 Oct 2003, 16:16

Did the update (after backing EVERYTHING up with CloneX) and have been running it for 3 days now and everything seems okay.
450 DP but I upgraded to a Powerforce G4 1.2GHZ Dual Processor
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