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> Tascam FW 1884 with Logic, Computer Hardware
post Wed 1 Oct 2003, 21:23
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Tascam FW 1884 with Logic
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post Wed 1 Oct 2003, 21:23
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Tried to use the 1884 with Logic yesterday and it wouldn't do anything. anyone having success? this looks like a wonderful piece of equipment.
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post Fri 10 Oct 2003, 14:10
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I guess you tried with Logic 5.5 PC ?

Well, didn't have it working completely, but have been able to activate fader motor and control almost everything using mackie control mode.

There is a bizarre thing happening though. In surface control setup windows of logic, i manually add a Logic Control, then faders worked, but no motor, and no feedback to buttons states.

Then i saw a small button in logic where it is written Write Firmware, i tried, then got an error message from logic after 10-20sec, that a new firmware was available blah blah blah... But anyway, there isn't any new firmware available. But, after you press the cancel button of this logic dialog, the motor started working perfectly, and light feedback for buttons states also!

I said, WOW, i got my FW-1884 to control Logic 5.5PC! hehehe... Well, every thing work but 2 keys, the pages UP and Page down, to access more than the first 8 parameters. That's the only bug i found so far in regard to logic support.
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post Sat 20 Dec 2003, 16:44
Post #4


I'm working on mac osx 10.3 / logic platinum 6.3.3 and am trying to get my fw 1884 going... there is some comunication between computer and fw 1884, but I can't send any devices from fw 1884 to logic... not very usefull - doe's someone know that problem and knows how to solve it? sad.gif
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post Sun 21 Dec 2003, 02:14
Post #5

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Sorry eddymoe, can't help you, but be aware that the drivers in OSX are a work in progress, they don't seem to work for a lot of people in some similar ways…

Mail to tascam and ask them to address the problem, as anyone with it should do, the more mail they have the faster they'll work it out. Watch the thread on the Tascam here also (interface forum) maybe someone can help you already.

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post Mon 22 Dec 2003, 18:31
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This is off the US Tascam site, FW 1884 section

"FW-1884 Owners,

Due to changes in Mac OS X Panther compared to Jaguar, we cannot guarantee FW-
1884 compatibility with Panther at this time. The FW-1884 software engineering
team is working directly with Apple OS X engineers to ensure compatibility
between the FW-1884 and Mac OS X Panther. This compatibility will require an OS
X driver update for the FW-1884 beyond the current driver (1.03).

As soon as a Panther-compatible driver has passed testing, it will be posted
here. In the mean time, please maintain the Mac you use with your FW-1884 at
Mac OS X 10.2.4 through 10.2.8. Current drivers are tested and approved with
these versions of Mac OS x.

TASCAM FireWire Team"

Please check out your software & equipment sites.. they more often then not can answer a lot of your questions.
I like my FW 1884... Use it with OS 10.2.6 and Logic Plat. 6.3.2.
They play well with each other. My only complaint about the Tascam is the jog wheel is waaaaaay too sensitive..... just about unuseable except for moving to areas quickly.
Have a great one!!
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post Tue 23 Dec 2003, 02:05
Post #7


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Same here. I have 10.3.2 on my Powerbook but have to boot from an external f/w disk with 10.2.6 angry.gif (and LAP 6.3.2) to use the Tascam FW-1884. I've not had any problems with that combination, but I sure hope they release 10.3 driver soon.

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post Mon 5 Jan 2004, 18:09
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From: Bern - CH
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Well - at last the update's here.
--> but the shuttle/data wheel isn't working no more longer and pan in computer-mode can just switch between left and right. no fine control any more... java script:emoticon(';)')

can tascam please correct that! thanx

ps: I'm now running fw 1884 on an external hd with os 10.2.6 - that works really great, except I am using my harddisc for an "old" system instead of beeing able to make backups!!! wink.gif

edi (bs)
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post Wed 7 Jan 2004, 17:18
Post #9


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From: Junglinster - LU
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Using logic 6, if I create a quick time synth track on say channel 7, then I move the fader on channel 4 on the FW-1884 control surface, the synth sound stops. If I then touch the fader on channel 4 it comes back while I am touching it. If I disable record on channel 7 while I am touching channel 4 fader, the sound returns permanently (or at least until I repeat the process).

I have just installed the new driver for the FW-1884. Anyone got any ideas - it's driving me crazy!

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post Sat 31 Jan 2004, 13:18
Post #10


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From: Mijdrecht - NL
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I use Logic Plat. 6.3.1 on Panther with the 1.1.0. driver for the FW1884
and have about the same problem.
When i select tracks from the Tascam, some track pannes hard left, or right.
And sometimes a Spectrasonics Trilogy sound just stoppes, and then i can not use any button for that track from the FW1884.

I'm going to e-mail this to Tascam now...
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