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Pro Tools and Logic users, fancy some specialised forums?
, MacMusic
Sat 7 Jan 2006, 23:23
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Pro Tools and Logic users, fancy some specialised forums?
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Sat 7 Jan 2006, 23:23
Posts: 29
Joined: 10-Oct 02
From: Coquitlam - CA
Member No.: 8,387
Yes!!! I use both so I'm twice as happy!
Bobbi Style
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Tue 10 Jan 2006, 02:40
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
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[teaser mode]Hey Mr style, wait till we have add the other things we are preparing
[/teaser mode]
Expect new stuff in the coming days, weeks and for the better.
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