Motu 828mkII goes to USB, Computer Hardware |
Fri 2 Dec 2005, 22:37

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Usb ...yuk
Sat 3 Dec 2005, 15:14

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From: Eddington - US
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Hi from a newbie to Macmusic. I have two Motu 828, one mk!! the other the original model. I want to transfer 16 tracks from two ADAT tape players to my G4. Do I hook up each 8 track deck to a separate 828? Is there a trick to getting the 828 to sync? Please help.java script:emoticon(':-/')
Mon 27 Mar 2006, 18:27

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USB2 is NOT, and I repeat, is NOT faster than Firewire 400... Yes USB2 is 480mbs as compared to Firewire400's 400mbs...That is a difference of 80mbs... The catch is that USB2 sucks a considerably higher amount of system resources as compared to Firewire...Hence, making it far less stable...As well as taking a considerable amount of performance from the system's CPU, RAM, etc... Don't believe me(?)....Research it...Or worse yet, try it... All and all USB is for mice, keyboards, etc...And NOT pro multi-track audio... One to four tracks at a time...Maybe... USB SUCKS (In a literal sense) Although all this being said...MOTU was just offering what people (And only God knows why) were asking for... And i give the company a thumbs up for making that offer yet keeping the "old" and far superior Firewire 828MKII... 'nough said... My rant is over...lol All the best....Barry ';o)
PS: The RME Fireface is the only true Firewire 800 interface I know of... My recommendation...? Metric-Halo all the way...Well worth the extra $... Although MOTU is the best bang for the buck...
This post has been edited by bls2112: Mon 27 Mar 2006, 18:27
Mon 27 Mar 2006, 22:27

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From: Santa Barbara - US
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I have owned two USB audio devices and used with a mac. Totally unreliable. CPU spikes WILL cause audio dropouts. I would advise against anyone purchasing a USB audio interface, regardless of the number of channels.
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